Pilot Grant Awards
We are excited to announce the next cycle of our pilot grant program. We expect to award one-year grants of $50,000 each. Collaborative projects that bring together investigators from across different disciplines are highly encouraged. We encourage applicants to utilize a multi-PI approach where at least two of the lead investigators are from different departments or schools at Stanford.
The application for these grants closed on August 1, 2024. Award recipients will be announced in October. For any additional questions, please email digitalhealth@stanford.edu.
Priority Areas
Although we will consider applications across all areas related to digital health broadly defined, we are especially interested in proposals related to the following research areas:
- Ethical and responsible use of AI in health
- Digital solutions for healthy aging, cognition, and longevity
- Understanding the positive and/or negative impact of digital tools and services on health and wellbeing (e.g. effects of cellphones on youth wellbeing, environmental impacts of telemedicine, the effects of electronic health records on physician burnout)
Submission Guidelines
Proposals were due by August 1, 2024, at 11:59pm PDT. Award recipients will be notified in October.
The proposal (1 page max, excluding references, PDF, single-spaced, Arial 11 point, 0.5 inch margins) should include the following components:
- Problem or gap in the literature
- Preliminary data
- Specific aims
- 3 key project milestones and expected completion dates
- Budget (direct costs $50,000) and budget justification
- Team (faculty, postdocs, staff, and/or students as appropriate)
- Highlight any meaningful collaborations underpinning this research
References (no max or min limits, at the end of the PDF file, not included in page limit)
Selection Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed based on innovation, feasibility and alignment with the CDH mission and research focus areas listed above, and the likelihood the project will have a near term positive impact on health. We encourage proposals related to reducing health disparities. We encourage applicants to utilize a multi-PI approach where at least two of the lead investigators are from different departments or schools at Stanford.
Key Dates
- Application deadline: August 1, 2024
- Awardees will be notified in early October and will be invited to accept their awards at the CDH Annual Symposium on October 29, 2024
- Award start date: November 1, 2024
- Stanford faculty with UTL, MCL, NTLR and CE faculty* appointments
- Instructors and Clinical Instructors are also eligible
- Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars (clinical and non-clinical) are required to include a PI eligible faculty member as co-PI on the application. *CE faculty PI waivers are not needed for internal funding opportunities.
Awardees will be asked to present at the Stanford Center for Digital Health Annual Symposium, and are expected to attend at least 2 events a year, e.g. Digital Health Leaders Lunches and bi-annual grant writing retreats. Recipients will be asked to provide a mid-year and final report of research results, usage of funds, a list of publications, new grant applications, and conference talks emerging from these pilot funds.
Proposals may request up to $50,000 over 1 year. Funds may be used for salary of faculty, graduate students, and other research staff, operating supplies, equipment, and travel directly associated with the research activity.
Email us at digitalhealth@stanford.edu.